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Bring in in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bringclearearnfetchgainintroducemakepull inrealiserealizetake inSimilar words: engineeringcoming inbringbring upbring outbring downbring backbring aboutMeaning: v. 1. bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment 2. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages 3. be sold for a certain price 4. submit (a verdict) to a court 5. transmit. 
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91 The public is invited to bring in jewelry for identification.
92 The wooden booths where people would bring in their items to pawn for cash, or more likely beer, still exist.
93 The idea is that the various farm based tourist attractions get together to help bring in the visitors.
94 Police are keen to bring in registration to improve the image of the Teesside club scene.
95 Discounts may bring in shoppers, but they cut into retailers' profits.
96 For how are we to bring in the corn harvest with all those strong hands and strong arms gone?
97 Threatened groups bring in wives from outside and thus establish important social links promising external support and succour.
98 Together, the fees will bring in about 10,000 per inhabitant over the next few years.
99 The jury was unable to bring in a verdict on the remaining six defendants.
100 Why do they bring in outsiders to tell us how to run the business?
101 Along with the food, they bring in a tray of beer in bottles.
102 The solution perceived by some libraries has been to bring in educational technologists to perform or assist with evaluation.
103 This will also bring in useful revenue to promote the railway.
104 Travelers to Qatar may not bring in narcotics or weapons.
105 Sammler thought it might be enlightening to recall the Sanskrit words. Bring in a little perspective.
106 Some companies routinely bring in undercover operatives every six to 12 months, Kimmons said.
107 I hope they realise by being here we will bring in a huge amount of trade.
108 Instead, the families often bring in private security firms to try to negotiate a return of the victim.
109 If we all bring in cans for redemption, about how much money do you think we can earn in a week?
110 The inquest will bring in a verdict of suicide.
111 Please bring in a duplicate of your curriculum vitae.
112 Son, bring in my Camembert .
113 Time to bring in some white magic home!
114 Bring in our Chippendale chair.
115 One option would see GM sell or borrow against its assets in China. Another possibility would be for the company to bring in private investors with possible credit support from government sources.
116 Business Office to bring in granite and ceramic tile for good tone should be concise, crisp.
117 But over the past decade, free, open-source software and "cloud" services have brought costs down, while ad networks help bring in revenue quickly.
118 In this paper , we bring in the general program of ultrasonic testing of welding seam.
119 Because with the deal to bring back Hedo Turkoglu and bring in Gilbert Arenas, we're already all-in for this season.
120 Global travelers now bring in a steady supply from around the world, inconspicuously undeclared in checked bags and carry-on luggage.
More similar words: engineeringcoming inbringbring upbring outbring downbring backbring aboutbring togetherbring forwardengineengineerringmanagingemergingdebuggingring outring upstringduringencouragingofferingmotheringgatheringdischargingspring upbearingspioneeringfilteringat the beginning
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